American Military Government in Germany.
American Military Government in Germany. Lieutenant Irving Meschel, Legal Officer, administers an oath two German lawyers applying for licenses to practic their professions. Dr. Werner Hampfing (center) and Robert Foster, having been investigated and approved by the counter Intellegence Corps, take an oath which all Judges, prescuters, notaries and lawyers are required to adhere to. It says:"I swear by Almighty God that I will at all timesapply ans administer the law without dear or favor and with justice and equity to all persond whatever creed, race, color or political opinion they may be, that I will obey the law of Germany and all enactments of the Military Government in spirit as well as in letter and will constantly endeaver to establish equal justice under the law for all persons. So help me God". No person who takes this oath is any longer bound by obligations of any oath of office previously subscribed to by him.
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