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U.S. invasion vesseld in action.

U.S. invasion vesseld in action. To carry out the hazardous landings operations necessary to drive the German and Japanese aggressors from the lands they have overrun, many types of assault vehicles, some of them amphibious, have been developed by the U.S. armed forces. These invasion vessels have already been tested under fire, bringing Allied forces and equipment ashore against enemy resistance at Anzio and in the Aleutians, in the Solomons and at Salerno, and in assaults on other enemy strongholds throughout the world. Now thy have been gathered in vast numbers for the biggest invasion of all -- the Allied attack on Hitler's European fortress. A group of "ducks", amphibious vehicles used by the U.S armed forces in landing operations roll ashore with supplies. Ducks, which operate with equal ease on water and on land, have greatly reduced the time required to transport supplies from deep-water cargo vessels to Allied military bases ashore.

  • NIOD
  • Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
  • 13589
  • Landingen
  • Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
  • Invasie
  • Voertuigen
  • Landingsvaartuigen
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