Nationalsozialistische Vernichtungslager im Spiegel deutscher Strafprozesse : Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Chelmno
A collection of excerpts from the protocols of war crimes trials held in West Germany between 1945-72, with extensive commentaries. Pt. 1 (pp. 37-242), "Die Vernichtungslager der 'Aktion Reinhard'", deals with the first and second Treblinka trials (1964-65 and 1970), the Bełżec trial (1965), and the Sobibór trial (1965-66); presents documents and comments pertaining to the preliminary investigations, the main hearings, and the conclusions of the courts. Pt. 2 (pp. 243-294), "Das Vernichtungslager Chelmno (Kulmhof)", discusses the slow reaction of the German judiciary to the crimes perpetrated in Chełmno. The trials involving this camp began in 1959. Pt. 3 (pp. 295-304), "Die Angeklagten", discusses the accused in the trials examined in parts 1 and 2. Pt. 4 (pp. 305-329), "Rechtliche Beurteilung, 'Befehlsnotstand', Strafzumessung", discusses the conclusions of the courts, dealing with points most frequently raised by critics of the trials: the defendants' contention that they were "acting under orders" and the severity of the penalties. Originalausg. 358 pages : maps ; 18 cm.
- Rückerl, Adalbert, 1925-1986.
- NIOD Bibliotheek
- Text
- ocm03740209
- War crime trials--Germany (West)
- World War, 1939-1945--Concentration camps--Poland.
- Belzec (Concentration camp)
- Chelmno (Concentration camp)
- Treblinka (Concentration camp)
- Sobibór (Concentration camp)
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