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Bécsi főkonzulátus iratai

Ferenc Nagy, ed. Külügyminisztérium levéltára. Vols 2. Budapest. MOL, 2003. The records of the Hungarian Chief Consulate in Vienna originate from the years 1938 to 1945 when Austria was incorporated into the German Reich. They provide a sizable documentation of issues relevant for the historical study of the Holocaust.The relevant parts of collection mostly concern citizenship issues, property questions around the time of “Aryanization” after the so called Anschluss in 1938 as well as cases of arrests of Hungarian Jews. Many further files in the collection of the Hungarian Chief Consulate in Vienna record complaints that were received in those years. More general records of the Hungarian Chief Consulate in Vienna provide a list Hungarian citizens and a list of Jews holding Hungarian citizenship, discuss citizenship rights in territories (re)acquired by Hungary between 1938 and 1941, and report on Hungarians interned with lists of their names. There are records of attempts to free camp inmates, including so called exempted Jews. A host of further matters are addressed in these records such as the issuing of passports and visa, attempts to emigrate, and Aryan tests, including those of the employees of the Chief Consulate. There are diverse cases related to insurances, wills and inheritances. The collection also includes inquiries about the whereabouts of individuals from the time of the Holocaust. Last but not last, some attempts to free inmates of Auschwitz are documented in this collection.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • hu-002739-mnl_ol_k_81
  • Camp inmates
  • Auschwitz
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