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Collection of the Directie van Handel en Nijverheid - Office of Commerce and Industry in the Netherlands, 1905-1943

Collection of the Directie van Handel en Nijverheid - Office of Commerce and Industry in the Netherlands, 1905-1943
 In the collection of the Office of Commerce and Industry in the Netherlands there is much information regarding the economic development in the Netherlands before and during the Nazi occupation, including the labor market in the Netherlands during the 1930s, the draft of reserve forces among Dutch merchants in 1940, and the removal of Jews from the Dutch economy, for instance Jewish clerks and Jewish businesses such as Bijenkorf, Hollandia Kattenburg & Co, Zwanenburg, Organon, Van den Bergh's and Jewish merchants in the open markets;
 Included in the collection:
 Documents attesting to discrimination against Jewish construction contractors; anti-Jewish legislation including laws that ban the participation of Jews in auctions in the Netherlands; 
 Documents regarding Jewish refugees in the Netherlands, 1934-1939;
 Legislation against Jewish merchants in the scrap metal and meat sectors;
 Official documentation regarding Aryanization, the confiscation of Jewish property in 1940, the deportation of Jews in 1942, and the influence of the removal of Jews from the Dutch economy on the economy in the Netherlands in 1941.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • il-002798-6382260
  • Deportation of Jews
  • <>,<>,<>,The Netherlands
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