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Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova

Telegrams and reports on the restoration of the national economy; correspondence about "contamination by alien elements in the Chisinau district"; report on the work of the group of the Union Control Commission for the return of property and equipment from Romania; lists of commissioners and commissions on accounting for the damage caused to the national economy of the Moldavian SSR; materials on the restoration of the national economy in cities liberated from the German-Romanian occupiers; certificates of political parties that existed in the territory of Bessarabia; lists of traitors and accomplices of the German-Romanian occupiers in Orhei county; lists of communists remaining in the occupied territory; certificate of registered criminal manifestations committed by servicemen on the territory of the MSSR and in the city of Chisinau; complaints, requests and statements of invalids of the Patriotic War and their families; the book of the graves of soldiers and officers of the Soviet army who died during the liberation of towns and villages of Soviet Moldova from the German occupiers According to the 1940 decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist (Bolshevik) Party of the Soviet Union, the Moldovan Regional Committee of CP(b) of Ukraine was reorganized into the Communist (Bolshevik) Party of Moldova. After the 19th Congress of the CP(b)USSR in October 1952, the Communist Party of the CP(b)M changed its name to the Central Cpmmittee of CPM and in 1991, according to the decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on August 23, the Communist Party of Moldova was liquidated. During the period of its activity, the Communist Party of Moldova had the following structure: the CPM Central Committee Office, the Protocols Directorate, the Party Control Committees attached to the CPM CC, the Organizing Section, the Administrative Section, the Propaganda and the Agitation Section, the Science and the Higher Education Institutions Section, Women's Section, Military Section, Industry and Social Service Section, Agriculture Section, Transport and Telecommunications Section, Trade Section, Planning and Finance Section, Construction Section, International Information and Relations Department. The party was organized according to the territorial principle, and the supreme governing body was the Congress that co-ordinated the entire activity of the CPM at all levels. Public access, no restrictions on access Arhiva Organizaţiilor Social-Politice a Republicii Moldova. Îndrumător. Chişinău: Tipografia Centrală, 2008: 21 Restrictions on use. Fair use only. Use only for scientific purposes (not for commercial use)

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • md-006188-51_3
  • MSSR
  • Occupation
  • Official documentation
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