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Могилів-Подільська повітова управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Могилів-Подільський

Some files contain registration materials in the form of lists of ghetto prisoners and labor camps, prisoners in the workers' columns, lists of people for food aid, etc. for 1942-1943. In particular, this is information about the place of residence and composition of Jewish families [inventory 2, files 302, 305-307]. There are documents on deportation of prisoners of the Mogilev ghetto to the labor camp at Skazynets village and to Pechora camp where they performed heavy works [inventory 2, file 24, p. 31]; the severe regime of detaining of prisoners, famine among local Jews and infectious diseases, mortality, especially among children [inventory 2, file 305, pp. 20-26; file 22, pp. 13, 162]; statements by Bukovynian Jews against their expulsion to Pechora death camp [inventory 2, file 35, p. 6], on the sanitary state of ghettos in the Mogilev district [inventory 2, file 314, p. 73]. Information on release of Romanian Jews, unlike local ones, from deportation to camps where people were mostly dying of hunger and disease [inventory 2, file 302, pp. 38-39; file 306, pp. 36-37]; on the use of Jews in various jobs for the army needs [inventory 2, file 22, pp. 5, 22]; on the opening of private Jewish enterprises, artels, workshops and the introduction of a rigid tax system [inventory 2, file 21, pp. 52-53]. A separate set of files highlights the provision of cash and food aid to prisoners of the ghetto from the Jewish community of Romania [inventory 2, files 311-312, 318-320]. There is a map of Mogilev county with ghetto and labor camps labeled in the form of a hexagonal star; an additional system of labels indicates whether a medical aid is provided in the ghetto, indicating the condition of the water supply, the state of the roads, etc. The map shows the regime of detention of prisoners in the ghetto and workers' camps in the Mogilev district [inventory 2, file 691, p. 1]. The Jewish population, as evidenced by documents, was robbed, money and jewels were taken away. In the collection of the Mohyliv prefecture a number of alphabetical journals of money and jewels confiscated from Jews were stored. Each journal includes the name of the former owner, profession, the monetary valuation of jewelry. Correspondence with the governorship of Transnistria on release of food to Jewish camps, on restrictions on the issuance of food [inventory 1, file 43]. The lists of the county's population specified ethnicity and religion [inventory 1, file 44]. The Jewish population was subjected to general orders of the Transnistrian governorate on implementation of the rules of Romanian administration, and to those intended specifically for Jews, i.e. various restrictions and isolation them in the ghetto [inventory 1, file 31]. Lists of Jews sent from ghettos of Mohyliv-Podilskyi district to camp of Skazynets and to Pechora camp/ghetto in 1942 contain information on composition of family, address of residence [inventory 2, file 302, pp. 18-23, 24-30; file 306, pp. 1-26, file 305, pp. 20-26, file 307, pp. 1-7].

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • ua-003335-p_2966
  • Maps
  • confiscation
  • Mogilev Podolskiy Ghetto
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