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Photo Collection.

A significant part of the Photo Collection is made accessible via the Photograph database, available online at . The Photo Collection of the JDC contains a couple of hundred of images relevant to the history of the Jewish communities of Belgium. Searching the Photographs database on keywords such as ‘Belgium’, ‘Brussels’ and ‘Antwerp’ nets over 370 results at the time of writing. These images especially depict scenes in the children’s homes, supported by the JDC, including many portraits of children and home personnel, children’s activities, etc. Apart from daily life in the homes (at the end of the 1940s), we also note some photos of refugees, of the MS St. Louis, of the refugee camp in Merksplas, …

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005544-usa_ajdc_photo_collection
  • refugees
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