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Collaborators volunteer for German army

Quisling in Norway, French volunteers, Latvian and Lithuanian volunteers for German army. MS Vidkun Quisling reviews with Nazi officer a line of Norwegian police in Norway. CU of insignia patch of eagle and swastika (uniforms suggest military volunteers rather than police). MLS French officers review bereted volunteers for German army on grounds of Versailles. CU several of them. They march out and off to train station. Good MCU as they sort through baggage, say goodbye and board train. 5:12:26 MCU as crowd of Latvian and Lithuanian volunteers for German army and civilians marching toward camera. CU of feet. Marching in formation, train in BG. CU of civilians at train station, including kiss, soldier drinks from canteen. Men boarding train, waving through window. Women handing out small kettles of soup to volunteers. MS of train engine and steam. Many soldiers waving from open windows of full train car as it pulls out. Train cars covered in pine boughs. CU of soldiers in windows waving. Eastern front, shots of melting snow and slogging thru mud. Additional unrelated footage follows this segment: 5:13:08 to 5:13:56 Bomb damage and destruction in Antwerp. Belgian refugees flee. 5:13:56 to 5:14:30 Eastern front, shots of melting snow and slogging thru mud.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1000145
  • , Norway
  • Newsreels.
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