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JDC aids DPs

The clip begins, with a JDC spokesperson speaking at a podium: "...of the 80,000 Jews who have survived in Poland today, at least 70,000 require assistance." Then, voice over narration begins with music in the background and montage of shots described below: "...though the number is tragically small the need is greater than ever, for them JDC alone halts the hand of death..." DPs eating (including children). Medical exam - children. DPs receive clothing from JDC. Orphans from Buchenwald enroute to Marseilles, France and then on to Palestine: Children board train - US army personnel look on. Branches, banners, home made Jewish flags decorate train, children wave from windows. JDC personnel wash, examine children. Brief: Judah Nadich speaks (General Eisenhower's advisor on Jewish affairs.)

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1000530
  • Documentary.
  • Argeles, France
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