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UFA Anschluss footage

Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria" (UFA Newsreel), Vienna, Austria, 1938. German Narration: "UFA Heldengedenktag" Ceremonies to honor war dead. Large wreaths laid. CU Goering lays wreath for Hitler at soldier's memorial. CU, iron cross on banner. Goering delivers address. View of St. Stephen's cathedral; Vienna; cheering and saluting crowds; waving kerchiefs, kids clinging to statue; crowds. Animated map shows Austria joined to Germany: "ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer." Various shots of Nazis taking over towns; German soldiers cross the border to enthusiastic welcome of crowds; they march through old towns and over a bridge on horseback. Tanks go through the towns; welcomed in Salzburg, Graz, and Filack (sp?). Nazi flags hang from every window. Children and adults lean out windows; civilians parade, including women; Nazi flags are handed out; soldiers march close to camera intercut with the characteristic admiring CU's of old men, women, and children. CU's, Nazi soldiers and Austrian soldiers relaxing. In Linz, planes fly above. Himmler speaks to a group of soldiers, Hitler standing in his car moves through cheering throngs; Hitler and Seyss-Inquart appear on balcony at night; Von Schirach walks down street. A sign is torn down. Jews (MS) man and woman rush into train station (business type, dressed well). Board train marked "Wien Nordbhf...Warszawa." Frightened. Night march with flags and torches. Mood of celebration. Nazi soldiers (Deutschetrupen) arrive in open trucks and parade by. Nazi banner flies over the city.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1000538
  • Film
  • Vienna, Austria
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