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German educational film: 1936 Olympics, Berlin

This short film depicts the scene at the 1936 Olympic Games held in Berlin, Germany. General, establishing shot of the entrance to the stadium, followed by a series of shots inside the stadium, of crowds saluting Hitler, and of the procession of participating countries. MCU of Italian delegation marching on to the field, their athletes in black shirts, saluting Hitler. CU of Hitler surveying the crowds. Cut back to the various countries rounding the track inside the stadium. CU of Hitler saluting, cut to Nazi flag being carried into the stadium. MS, crowds in the bleechers wave and cheer. LS of nations assembled on the field as a runner enters the stadium with the olympic torch, he rounds the track and climbs the steps to the olympic flame. CU, olympic flame. VS, track and field events in the stadium: discus, javelin. Medal ceremonies, crowd reactions, etc. CU of Hitler cheering on German female athletes in the relay. VS, shotput competition. MCU, Hitler shaking hands with a victorious athlete, he is flanked by high ranking Nazi party officials. VS, the marathon, the runners begin to enter the stadium for the final leg of the race. VS, the Japanese cheering on their countryman in the marathon. VS, Jesse Owen running and winning his race, female hurdlers, a German woman places second and the German fans go wild. VS, shotput competition, high jump competition, pole vault competition, crowds reaction. Film ends with scenes of the Olympic bell tolling, and the flame burning.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1002679
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Instructional.
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