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Military Government in Cologne; Dedication of monument to Holocaust survivors

(LIB 6939) SPX-G Military Government, Cologne, Germany, June 6, 1945 LSs, truck loaded with medical supplies from bombed-out drug store pulls away from camera. LSs, MSs, bombed-out store front with sign "Cafe Zahn". CU, sign, "Civilian Labor Office". LSs, MSs, walls of bombed buildings; wrecked equestrian statue. SEQ: Dedication of monument in city to Holocaust victims. Speakers are Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish chaplains of the US Army. Buchenwald survivors and civilians attend the services. SEQ: German farmers threshing and baling wheat and weighing sacks of grain. LS line of children cultivating onions. MLSs, German farmer spreading fertilizer while woman hoes onions. MLS, German farmer picking cherries.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1003674
  • Unedited.
  • Cologne, Germany
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