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Hans Weil papers

The Hans Weil papers consist of biographical materials, photographs, and printed materials documenting German educator Hans Weil, his relocation to Italy following his dismissal from teaching at Goethe University, and the school, Schule am Mittelmeer, that he established for German emigrant children in Recco, Italy. Copyright Holder: Ms. Nina Weil Hans Weil (1898-1972) was a German educator born in Saarbrücken to Karl and Emma (Lehrberger) Weil. He was dismissed from teaching at Goethe University in Frankfurt in 1933 after the Nazis came to power. He tried unsuccessfully to establish a school for half-Jewish children in Germany and then fled to Italy with his non-Jewish wife, Senta (1898-1988) and their children Anselm (Kurt, b. 1928) and Constanze (b. 1933). He first worked at the Landschulheim in Florence before founding his own school, Schule am Mittelmeer, which opened in March 1934 at the Villa Palma in Recco. The Italian racial laws of 1938 forced the school to close. Weil’s wife and children immigrated to the United States in 1939, and he followed after a year in Great Britain.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn500538
  • Document
  • Jewish educators--Germany--Frankfurt am Main.
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