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Touring Budapest and Vienna

At Heroes Square in Budapest, Hungary, an American family poses and smiles. Flags hang between the two structures. The youngest boy is bouncing around and twirling, laughing and smiling. (1:31) The older woman, a man, and a boy walk in front of the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest. (1:39) Visiting the zoo, seals swim around in the water in an enclosure. Polar bears on rocks above. Peacocks strut around. (2:33) A band marches on the street below. Soldiers march behind them, followed by cars. (3:27) A couple walks on top of a walkway overlooking a city, probably at Fisherman’s Bastion in Budapest. (3:30) In color - kids play tennis. Local families and children in a field, tattered clothing, mother speaks to the camera-person, possibly a Roma camp. (4:23) The man and older woman walk along a boardwalk next to the water, boats are lined up. Soldier and other visitors. They visit a garden with blooming flowers. (5:11) In black and white, the children goof off in Heldenplatz in Vienna, swastika flags hang between the columns. Boy jokes with an older woman. Boys pretend to drive their car. People walk up and down a street on a hill. The group sits, talking behind some flowers. The boys dressed very nicely walk down a city street in Vienna.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn722286
  • Film
  • Budapest, Hungary
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