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Simcha Brudno interview transcripts

Simcha Brudno was born on 30 May 1924 in Šiauliai, Lithuania. On August 20, 1941, he was forced to enter the Šiauliai ghetto. He performed forced labor at a nearby airport. In early 1944, he was sent to Stutthof and from there, to Dachau. He was liberated by the 442nd Infantry Regiment while on a death march from Dachau. In March 1946, he illegally entered Palestine. He fought in the Israeli War of Independence and studied mathematics in college. In 1960, he immigrated to the United States and worked in mathematical theory. He passed away in 2006. Consists of full and incomplete interview transcripts, typed speeches, essays, and notes related to the Holocaust experiences of Simcha Brudno, originally of Šiauliai, Lithuania. The interviews, most of which are undated and were conducted by George Anastaplo and others, include information about Mr. Brudno's pre-war life in Lithuania; life in the Šiauliai ghetto; deportation to Stutthof in 1944; further deportation to Dachau; liberation by the 442nd Infantry Regiment; and illegal immigration to Palestine in March 1946.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn90302
  • Brudno, Simcha.
  • Document
  • Šiauliai (Lithuania)
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